Healing after a loss is often a long and difficult journey.
Swedish/Edmonds offers groups and events that support people experiencing the
grief that follows the death of a loved one. All parts of the program are
offered as a service to the community and are free of charge.
The death of a loved one is an emotionally intense and
deeply personal experience. While each person may react to the loss
differently, there are many common threads that weave through the experience of
grief. The emotional, physical, cognitive, and spiritual responses to the death
may be surprising and intense. Evergreen Grief and Bereavement Services is
available to provide support and education for all persons in our community who
have experienced a loss through death.
is not an event, it is a constant unfolding. Providence Hospice of Seattle
offers a full range of compassionate response to children and adults who are
grieving the loss of a significant person. We realize the importance of
acknowledging the unique grieving process of every individual. Included in this
acknowledgement is the understanding that grief has no timeline.
The Healing Center is a grief-support community for adults, children and families. Our community offers a unique, long-term, multi-faceted approach to grief support, combining individual and group support with informal events and social networks.