James, John W. and Friedman, Russell. When Children Grieve. New York : HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 2001.
These posts are about ideas and topics related to healthy living that matter to me.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Myth 5: Keep Busy
“Grief, caused by death or by divorce, probably represents the largest change in the moment-to-moment life of a child. Adapting to life without someone who has always been there can be painful, difficult, and confusing (46).” James and Friedman go on to explain that it is important to keep the pace of life at a similar level as before the loss, so children do not have to cope with additional changes. This is a myth that connects to a belief that keeping busy is a constructive way to deal with unexpressed emotions. It is more likely keep you distracted from the pain caused by the loss and keep emotions buried deep within (48).